Latest publications
[Position paper] On the road to ambitious Deposit Return Systems all over Europe
While the general ambitions of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), especially regarding the reuse targets, have been largely watered down by industry lobbies, we do still welcome the direction given to DRS in the new revision of the PPWR. With this joint letter – signed by 50 European organizations – we comment on the regulation, which consecrates DRS as a solution to increase selective collection, foster reuse and
Read more04 Governance – Review of EPR for Packaging Waste in Belgium
This paper is the fourth of a series with the goal of elevating the discussion on producer responsibility for packaging, pushing it to a higher level, and stimulating better policy making. In this paper, we explore one specific element of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for municipal packaging and packaging waste in Belgium, namely the governance of the Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) that collectively manages the individual producers’ responsibilities in relation
Open documentOnly 50% of cans collected again by 2023, political intervention needed
Press Release: Fair Resource Foundation response to Verpact’s new collection figures on deposit system
Let’s Reshape EPR
Policy recommendations for a game changing policy tool that supports prevention, reuse, separate collection and high-quality recycling.
#EndDoublePackaging: Your pictures can end double packaging
RNB joins forces with other Belgian NGOs to launch the #EndDoublePackaging campaign to encourage consumers to report cases of overpackaging.
03 Litter – Review of EPR for Packaging Waste in Belgium
We slagen er niet in om het land schoon te krijgen. De Belgische straten, pleinen en parken blijven geplaagd door zwerfvuil. Uit een studie van milieuorganisatie RNB (Recycling Netwerk Benelux) blijkt dat België er niet in slaagt om een daling te realiseren. In Brussel en Wallonië is er zelfs geen betrouwbare data over de hoeveelheden en de samenstelling van het zwerfvuil.
Study: tackling litter mainly helps producers of single-use products
Full report (EN) Each region of Belgium has a different litter policy. Flanders has a -20% target for 2022 compared to 2015, which has not been achieved. In Wallonia and Brussels, agreements on litter are less clearly formulated and there is a lack of proper monitoring. In no region is litter tackled at the source. Each region of Belgium has a different litter policy. Flanders has a -20% target for 2022 compared to 2015,
Read moreDigital deposit: we know little more than we did a year ago
Een jaar geleden kreeg de Belgische industrie de opdracht om te bewijzen dat hun digitaal statiegeld een betere oplossing is tegen zwerfvuil dan het klassieke systeem. We delen onze conclusies over het klankbordgroepproces en over wat de pilots ons hebben geleerd (of niet).
Towards DRS in Europe: a crucial tool for meeting ambitious targets
Call for an effective DRS regulation in the PPWR
In the media
What is holding us back?
In an episode of HUMAN’s “Wat houdt ons tegen?” (“What’s Holding Us Back?”) our colleague Janine Röling talks about the PPWR and SUP laws and how they are enforced in the Netherlands