We have a new name! Formerly known as Recycling Netwerk Benelux

Towards a new relationship with resources

Fair Resource Foundation is committed to a sustainable and equitable relationship with resources. A relationship that respects the planetary boundaries and ensures a dignified life for all. We achieve this through advocacy, campaigning and research. We are passionate and determined to make a positive impact.

Our work


We are working toward a sustainable and equitable use of resources that is within the carrying capacity of the planet.

Waste and pollution

We strive for ambitious waste policies that are committed to reducing waste and fighting litter.

Fair environmental policy

We encourage politicians and policy makers to formulate sustainable, social environmental policies.

platform environmental flaws

We unravel the flaws in our environmental policy. With critical questions, with research, and with strong collaboration. Read more about this new initiative here.

Rotterdam becomes the first city in the Netherlands without disposable cups! At more than 30 hospitality partners, you can now borrow a deposit cup. Empty cups can go into the drop-off machine at Rotterdam Central Station. A project of our transition program Mission Reuse.

Collectief Circulair Textiel

Collectief Circulair Textiel was founded by Fair Resource Foundation and is the first producer organisation in Europe founded by an environmental organisation! Visit the website and read more about what the collective does.


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