
A sustainable and equitable use of resources that respects the carrying capacity of the earth and ensures a dignified existence is what Fair Resource Foundation stands for. To get there, it is crucial to reduce the current consumption of raw materials. We therefore focus on rethinking production and consumption systems, including measures for prevention, reuse and meeting national and European resource reduction targets.

Working with municipalities, businesses and other NGOs, we strive to avoid unnecessary use of products, extend the life of products, and replace disposable products with reusable alternatives. We also aim to completely phase out the use of fossil raw materials for plastic production by 2040.

time for change

Every year, Earth Overshoot Day reminds us of the overshoot of planetary boundaries, but also of inequality in the world. Most countries within Europe simply use too many resources, thus contributing to the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. With this current system we endanger not only ourselves, but more importantly, future generations and residents of the Global South.

With Fair Resource Foundation, we therefore focus on reducing resource use. We stimulating politicians and governments to formulate resource policies that includes overall goals to reduce raw material consumption and focus on prevention and reuse. By introducing targets for reducing resource use at the national and European level, by put fewer products on the market, and by having them repaired instead of thrown away, we can make the production and consumption system more sustainable.

Therefore, we develop and test systems for reusable packaging, push for policies that address raw material consumption, and conduct (public) campaigns together with other stakeholders, for example on the topic of deposits and over-packaging.

Discover more about our work within this theme on one of the pages below.

Commodity policy

Sustainable resource policies are critical to reducing harmful impacts of human activity on our planet.

Beyond growth

From an obsession with endless economic growth, to a drive for broad-based prosperity.


Avoiding unnecessary production and consumption so that pressure on the earth is reduced.


Accelerating the reuse transition by establishing and encouraging (inter)national initiatives.

Reducing resource use is one of the biggest levers to address both the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis.


- Rob buurman

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