We are working toward a world where we use fewer resources.

Our vision focuses on the reduction of resource consumption and optimal use and reuse of materials and products. So in this system, circularity is more than recycling waste. Adjustments at the front end of the production chain, such as through circular design, more sharing and more frequent borrowing, reduce resource use and maximize value retention.

We therefore believe it is crucial that government policies focus on robust reductions in resource consumption. This can be achieved by using fewer products (prevention) and by using products longer (reuse). Recycling also remains necessary in the circular economy, but as a key component rather than a main strategy. For every time recycling is discussed, it should be asked whether prevention and reuse policies can precede it. Prevention over reuse, and reuse over recycling.

The shift to a circular economy requires systemic change. Today’s society, in which a linear system is dominant, must be converted to circularity. So no more making something, using it and throwing it away, but maintaining value and closing the chains. This can only succeed through a combination of better laws and regulations for products and uses, new revenue models, and consumers’ willingness to consume more sustainably.