Reuse in Belgium

Welcome to the Kombak project, which is part of the European ReuSe Vanguard Project and is a collaboration between
, the city of Leuven and Fair Resource Foundation. Together we are joining forces and building a circular chain for reusable packaging for take-out and delivery meals, spread across the cities of Ghent and Leuven. Our goal? Nothing short of fueling a true revolution in the hospitality world, where waste-free take-away is becoming the new standard.


It’s recognizable to anyone who has ever ordered take away or takeout. All the goodies are packed in plastic or aluminum bowls, which you have to throw in the trash immediately after eating. A shame, because this way the mountain of waste continues to grow, while raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce. How can we reuse the take away packaging for the next customer, like we do with plates and glasses in a restaurant. As a hospitality entrepreneur, how do you switch to reusable meal packaging? And as a consumer, how can you easily and comfortably choose reusable? We are trying to answer those questions with the European Reuse Vanguard Project answer.



Meanwhile, we collaborate with similar projects in Barcelona, Berlin, Paris and Rotterdam. In Barcelona Rezero How reusable packaging can serve in public markets. In Berlin test Deutsche Umwelthilfe issued a system with vending machines in which you can dispose of your meal box after use.
Réseau Consigne
gets Paris ready for deposit money, ahead of disposable Olympics in 2024. And in Rotterdam goes Enviu partnered with several large chains that want to get rid of single-use packaging.


The transition from disposable to reusable still has a long way to go. But our long-term goal is to change the entire landscape of packaging. However, we realize that this transition takes time, which is why we are cooperating with the Reuse Vanguard Project. This project aims to create the conditions for a large-scale shift to reusable products in the near future. It applies targeted strategies in specific market segments to initiate the transition to pave the way to a more sustainable future.


The Kombak project is possible thanks to support from the Flemish government under the
Green Deal Anders Verpakt
. This initiative aims to reduce single-use packaging and boost the transition to a circular economy.

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About Reuse in Belgium

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who are working on this

Emmy van Daele

Reuse and Mission Reuse Project Coordinator

Maïté Liekens

Project Officer Reuse