Belgian policy

With different governments, the political situation in Belgium can sometimes be quite complicated. But at the same time, this also presents opportunities, such as when one government supports the policies of another. When it comes to environmental policies, such as waste management and land use planning, the responsibility lies with the regions.

On the other hand, legislation related to product standards and taxation falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Cities and towns also play an important role in local decisions. So to develop effective policies in Belgium, it is often necessary to take into account different levels of government, interests and, of course, different languages!

Deposit and recycling in Belgium

In Belgium, as in the Netherlands, we are working to reduce resource use. In addition to the complex political context of Belgium, for example, the household waste collection system also differs from the Dutch collection structure. For example, the Belgian blue bag is often praised as an effective method of separate collection. Still, there is much room for improvement, including against litter. To meet the European goal of 90% separate collection of plastic bottles and cans, Belgium will have to switch to introducing deposit systems. Fair Resource Foundation is committed to the best possible implementation of deposit in Belgium.

In addition to deposits, we in Belgium are also very active on the topic of recycling. With the Kombak project we are helping catering businesses in Ghent and Leuven to switch to reusable packaging for takeaway meals. We are setting up an efficient waste-free system in both cities, which is accessible to both the hospitality industry and the users. These kinds of systems do not arise naturally. We must encourage the transition to reuse as much as possible. To this end, we cooperate with governments and administrations, share the knowledge we gain and help think of solutions.

An end to over-packaging in Belgium

Over-packaging is a growing threat to our environment. Duplicate packaging is especially frustrating: unnecessary extra layers of paper or plastic around products just to put them together to sell more. To address these unnecessary packaging practices driven by profit motives, the Canal It Up, Proper Strandlopers, Ghent Environmental Front and Fair Resource Foundation joined forces for the “End Double Packaging” campaign.

We urge consumers to report cases of over-packaging and double packaging to Fost Plus, the organization representing the packaging industry in Belgium. In addition, we encourage consumers not to buy products that are over-packaged.

Latest publications
On Belgian policy


[Position paper] On the road to ambitious Deposit Return Systems all over Europe

@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IiIsImFmdGVyIjoiIn19@ While the general ambitions of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), especially regarding the reuse targets, have been largely watered down by industry lobbies, we do still welcome the direction given to DRS in the new revision of the PPWR. With this joint letter – signed by 50 European organizations – we comment on the regulation, which consecrates DRS as a solution to increase selective collection, foster reuse

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Belgians ask government to copy Dutch deposit system for bottles and cans

The deposit on small plastic bottles took off on 1 July in the Netherlands. A cheerful Dutch State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven (D66) kicked off the new measure on the beach of Scheveningen, together with the Statiegeldalliantie, the joint initiative of more than 1.100 Dutch and Belgian stakeholders calling for a deposit system. The 1.100 partners of the Statiegeldalliantie, including Belgian and Dutch organisations of farmers, environmentalists, and citizens are

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Belgian policy

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