Fair environmental policy

We want environmental policy to be as ambitious as possible. Environmental policies that balance environmental sustainability, economic prosperity and social justice, with the goal of creating a livable and sustainable future for current and future generations.

We therefore continue to emphasize that policies must be concrete and ambitious, and that it is essential that citizens, businesses, civil society organizations and other stakeholders be involved in developing, implementing and evaluating environmental policies. This is the only way to achieve equitable environmental policies that are ambitious and widely supported.

widely supported policy

The issues we work on at FRF are often related to policy. For example, a topic like deposit money is anchored in Dutch policy, policy around single-use plastic packaging is determined at the European level, and some municipalities are independently taking initiative to drive the reuse transition. 

Our commitment to fair environmental policies also feeds our work on the themes of Resources and Waste and Pollution. Fair environmental policy is, for example, making producers responsible for the presence of and damage caused by packaging in the environment: the polluter pays. Fair environmental policy also means that making product systems more sustainable must be accompanied by accessibility for everyone in our society. Attention should also be paid to the impact on people inside and outside Europe. This means, for instance, that the Netherlands, Belgium and Europe should take care of the waste they produce themselves and not pass it on to countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

Click on any of the topics below to learn more about the work Fair Resource Foundation does.

Policy Renewal

There are fundamental flaws in the way environmental policies are designed and implemented.

Dutch policy

The Netherlands must work on ambitious resource policies with a focus on welfare.

Belgian policy

It is time for change in Belgium. The various regions must agree on the future of packaging policy.

European policy

Europe must take a leading role and show that social, inclusive and ambitious environmental policies are necessary.

We can no longer produce and consume without limits at the expense of people and the planet. The time for action is now.

- janine roling

Latest publications
On Just Environmental Policy


Out of sight, out of the system: producers evade EPR-costs by exporting waste to Africa

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes are flawed for various reasons. We already wrote about the governance issues surrounding EPR and the way in which it does not sufficiently address product design in e.g. the textile sector. A new report by Circular Economy Lab (CEL) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) places the focus on another flaw: discarded electronic devices and vehicles are often given ‘another life’ outside of Europe, mostly

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Belgians ask government to copy Dutch deposit system for bottles and cans

The deposit on small plastic bottles took off on 1 July in the Netherlands. A cheerful Dutch State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven (D66) kicked off the new measure on the beach of Scheveningen, together with the Statiegeldalliantie, the joint initiative of more than 1.100 Dutch and Belgian stakeholders calling for a deposit system. The 1.100 partners of the Statiegeldalliantie, including Belgian and Dutch organisations of farmers, environmentalists, and citizens are

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