#EndDoublePackaging: Your pictures can end double packaging
RNB joins forces with other Belgian NGOs to launch the #EndDoublePackaging campaign to encourage consumers to report cases of overpackaging.
RNB joins forces with other Belgian NGOs to launch the #EndDoublePackaging campaign to encourage consumers to report cases of overpackaging.
Full report (EN) Each region of Belgium has a different litter policy. Flanders has a -20% target for 2022 compared to 2015, which has not been achieved. In Wallonia and Brussels, agreements on litter are less clearly formulated and there is a lack of proper...
Een jaar geleden kreeg de Belgische industrie de opdracht om te bewijzen dat hun digitaal statiegeld een betere oplossing is tegen zwerfvuil dan het klassieke systeem. We delen onze conclusies over het klankbordgroepproces en over wat de pilots ons hebben geleerd (of niet).
Fost Plus has been publishing the most spectacular recycling figures for years. For some materials we even achieve more than 100%. How is it possible that we recycle more in Belgium than we consume?
From 2025, Belgium will also have a deposit on cans and plastic bottles. The producer responsible organization Fost Plus pushes forward the concept of a digital system where citizens have to scan the packaging with their smartphone to get their deposit back.
The Flemish government decided just before Christmas that it will introduce deposits on plastic bottles and cans by 2025 in consultation with the other two regions. The Belgian packaging industry is promoting a 'digital' collection system as an alternative to the 'classic' deposit system. We review both systems.
Environmental organisation Recycling Netwerk Benelux supports the Flemish government's intention to have a working deposit system in place, in consultation with the two other regions, by 2025. The plan is to introduce a deposit of 20 to 25 eurocents on all plastic...
Last modified: February 2024. More and more governments in Europe are deciding to introduce deposits on cans and plastic bottles. The pace has accelerated since the approval of the European directive on single-use plastics in 2019. The Single Use Plastic Directive...
Unnoticed, however, they also receive a lot of paper and plastics through their regular letterbox mail. The annual quantity of plastic magazine wrappers is even twice the quantity that is received as parcels in plastic shipping bags. After all, magazines and...